
Thursday 16 December 2021

Vector Art

 On the 14th of December Learning Journey started and for my task I picked Vector art which was to make a Christmas tree which was really fun to test around to see what would be best for the Christmas tree, Anyway let's go onto the art:

My three tips for making  Vector Art
1, Make an outline in your head or on paper 
2, Make the art first then add the decor 
3, Think about the background to see how it would suit the main piece 

Tuesday 9 November 2021


 Today In math we had to do a Prototec for the week and I think I'm getting way better at it
Score: 33/40
Next steps: Try to work on Subtraction 

Refection: I do think I'm getting better at it but I do have some stuff I need to work on Mainly Subtraction since I am Confused  about it 

Thursday 28 October 2021


 Today in maths we had to do a Prototec and Yeah It was still hard but easy at the same time Anyway I think I did well.


Next Steps: I think that  I need to get faster

Tuesday 26 October 2021



 Timed Prototec - Checking My Basic Facts Knowledge

Today we had a set amount of time to complete a Prototec Basic Facts session.  We then all had to stop, take a screenshot, and post this to our blogs so we could share how we went.
We had 6 minutes to work and then had to stop.
I did Stage: 6
My score was: 5
Next time I need to: Get Faster
Here are my screenshots: 

Friday 22 October 2021

My Holiday

 Hello Everyone So if you are at school you would have a two-week holiday. My teacher told us to write about our holiday which was fun because we could write about what we did and we could see what others did. While also writing we were getting new skills by,
Sharing a Side with someone without removing or griefing it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my writing:

Reflection: I really liked sharing my writing with others and seeing other people's writing it was just really cool, Also I can't forget about sharing it on my blog.

Question: What did you guys do in the holidays?

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Steps Web - Check up

 Step Web Goals Check up

This term we are Focusing more on Steps Web and at the start of the term in July we made steps web goals and Today we are going to see if we did them:

And I did improve because I did 736 minutes And I'm on Level 4 1-A Which I'm proud and happy because I'm improving A Lot.

Friday 10 September 2021

My Future

 Today we had tasks to do and One of them was Our Future and I thought this (DRAFT)